Achtung! The Desert Tigers (1977) Korean VHS [NTSC] Korea Kaput Lager B

$155.00 $139.50

Title: Achtung! The Desert Tigers (1977, original Italian title: Kaput Lager – Gli ultimi giorni delle SS)
Country of movie: Italy
Country of VHS release: South Korea
Audio: this is the version dubbed in English
Subtitles: Korean
Format: NTSC
Ex-rental: yes.
Condition cassette: decent with some casual sign of use, some sign of cleaning off stickers and some wear at the labels.
Playback quality: mild casual imperfections sometimes, but no noteworthy/substantial issues detected. Original print is pretty vintage looking with some casual crackle, side edges seem to be cut to fi into the 4:3 format. Sound is mono.
Condition case: original label case with some casual, mild sign of use and age.
Condition inlay: mild touch at some corners/edges, some mild sun fade on the spine (the yellow colors).

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