Niko & the Way to the Stars (2008) Korean VHS Korea Dub Flight Before Christmas

$55.00 $49.50

Some movies still got released on VHS until around 2010 in Korea while the most of the rest of the world had dvd-only releases. This is one of those titles that you won’t find easily on VHS elsewhere! Animation films in Korea often come in both dubbed and subtitled versions, this is the version dubbed in Korean without subtitles.

Title: Niko & the Way to the Stars (2008, aka The Flight Before Christmas)
Country of movie: Finland and others
Country of VHS release: South Korea
Audio: Korean
Subtitles: none
Format: NTSC
Ex-rental: yes
Condition cassette: neat with only some mild sign of use.
Playback quality: no issues detected. Comes in widescreen/letterbox.
Condition case: neat with some casual, mild sign of use.
Condition inlay: neat with the edges and colors looking good.

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